Monday, April 27, 2009

Rick's Picks (weekly)

  • Good site with CamCorder reviews. -- Rick Cogley | From the site: Exacting standards and the scientific method are at the heart of, and rest of the sites in the network. We don't believe in the so-called "golden eye" or the "expert review board." Both of these methods allow too many opportunities for subjectivity and personal preference. Our objective, scientific analysis, in conjunction with our strict ethics policy, makes our reviews the fairest and most transparent online.

    tags: camcorderinfo, testing, reviews

  • Yesterday, I purchased the new Canon PowerShot D10 to take over for an old Canon IXY 500. The IXY has served us well and works OK still, but the waterproof and shockproof nature of the D10 were attractive because of the proximity to the beach where we live, and how often we've been nervous about taking electronics to the beach! It's going to be nice to drag the camera right into the surf or even underwater.

    tags: blogcogley, blog:cogley, canon, powershot, D10

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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