Monday, February 09, 2009

Rick's Picks (weekly)

  • Access Wireless at 6000+ Locations across Japan, for 380 yen per month. (Japanese only website)

    tags: yodobashi, wireless, gate, wireless gate, wi-gate, wifi, japan

  • Looking at the basics of Agile in more detail to help me apply it to general, non-development project management, the principles behind the Agile Manifesto are readily available for us to read and learn from. -- Rick Cogley

    tags: rickcogley, rick cogley, agile, principles

  • To help my Japanese colleagues understand the concepts of Agile more easily, after the jump, I'll translate the principles into Japanese, under the original English from the Agile website. The Japanese translations and any mistakes therein are solely my responsibility. Further, I'll take the opportunity to comment on what I see as important in the principles. For instance, do the principles allow for or even demand a lazy, free-for-all approach? Can an inexperienced team do Agile effectively, or, is mentoring needed?

    tags: agile, rickcogley, rick cogley, principles, japanese

  • The "pomodoro technique" is a sort of "personal scrum" technique for getting things done. Check out the paper written in English on this page - it's a link to a PDF. --Rick Cogley From the site, in Italian - Abstract - Per molte persone il tempo rappresenta un nemico. L'ansia relativa al "tempo che passa", soprattutto in presenza di scadenze, genera comportamenti non efficaci nel lavoro e nello studio e, per questa via, sviluppa la tendenza a procrastinare.

    tags: pomodoro, pomodoro technique, pm, project management, personal scrum

  • Many people on Twitter ask for recommendations for a good online project management solution. There are many such web-based applications out there, and it really depends upon your needs and intended project approach - are you "agile", do you want to use "scrum" or "kanban", or are you PMI all the way. Do you want it SaaS, or self-hosted? Do you need time tracking? Should a wiki be integrated? The list goes on. My requirements to make it through the "first cut" are listed in the article.

    tags: rick cogley, project management, pm, online, agile, kanban, scrum, pmi, cogley

  • PSNext seems like a very comprehensive, cross-platform project management solution based on the PMI standards. -- Rick Cogley From the site - PSNext is a full-featured and an exceptionally easy to use enterprise Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) solution, giving you extensive insight into all your projects and resources across the enterprise. PSNext is entirely web-based, and can be used regardless of your geographical location, operating system, or browser, making it the ideal choice for organizations with single or mixed IT environments. PSNext’s rich graphical interface, multi-lingual nature, robust project management functionality, high degree of configurability, flexible licensing, and simple automatic deployment ensure a smooth startup and a rewarding journey to project management success. PSNext is based on Sciforma’s 26+ years of project management and software development experience, and from hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.

    tags: psnext, sciforma, project management, pm, java

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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