Sunday, February 08, 2009

Japan WiFi Access for 380 Yen per Month

Yodobashi Camera has a nice wifi access plan called Wireless Gate, with 6000+ access points across Japan for 380 yen per month according to the pamphlet I have. Wireless Gate looks like a good plan, and here's how you can sign up (but in Japanese, so get some help from a friend if you're kanji-impaired): In the pamphlet I got at Yodobashi Camera Shinjuku, they advertise it as working with the iPhone too, so if you do not have the all-you-can-eat plan from Softbank, this might be of help.


yokoyama said...

I've joined this plan since last year. It has been installed on my iPod touch. It is useful with the DeviceScape App that can authenticate user ID and password without browser. However, it's pity that lots of access points are not easily accessible along Sobu Line.

Rick Cogley said...

Thanks for the tip, Yokoyama san. I live in Totsuka, and so use the Yokosuka or Shonan-Shinjuku lines but, I have an Emobile card so that takes care of my access needs. Hopefully someone, though, will find this of use.